De mogelijkheden om digitaal persoonlijke data te delen vinden steeds breder aftrek. Ook in Azië. Eind vorig jaar werd in Zuid-Korea bijvoorbeeld een door de overheid gesteunde MyData service gelanceerd. Dit moet burgers de mogelijkheid bieden om persoonlijke financiële gegevens van verschillende financiële instellingen op één platform te beheren
Ockto's Paul Janssen werd gevraagd om tijdens het 11e Seoul Asian Financial Forum te spreken over wat er in Nederland mogelijk is op dit gebied en natuurlijk hoe we dit als Ockto doen.
Zijn optreden is hier terug te kijken:
Ook werd Paul geïnterviewd voor Asia Economy door Lee Min-woo. Dit interview (vertaald vanuit het Koreaans) werd eerder gepubliceerd op
With the rapid circulation of digital-based personal financial information, the personalized wealth management market is in full swing. It is analyzed that the key is to analyze and process various data and provide it in a timely manner according to the life cycle of the user.
Paul Janssen, the Product Director of Ockto, a Dutch data sharing platform, emphasized this in an interview with Asian Economy. Janssen is scheduled to give a lecture on the topic of 'My Data and Asset Management' at the Seoul Asian Financial Forum 'My Data for All - Focusing on Overseas Success Cases' to be held on the 26th of May.
Janssen: “Ockto aims to be the best solution for distributing necessary information according to the customer’s life cycle in the future. We plan to expand to other fields.”
Ockto is a kind of data sharing platform. It collects various personal information that is stored at various private and public institutions and distributes them digitally. In addition to bank account information, information such as pensions, taxes, assets and liabilities, income, and housing situation is obtained from government institutions or private companies. To retrieve this data, a user logs in to the relevant organization using a public eID. Octo searches all relevant data and summarizes it.
Janssen: “In the Netherlands, when requesting a mortgage loan, a customer shares his data whit an advisor (loan broker) who connects them with banks. This process is all done automatically, and the customer can receive a notification at each step where data is shared and decide whether to proceed or not.”
It is in the same vein as the Korean domestic MyData business, in which the sovereignty of financial information is held by individuals, not institutions or companies, and freely used. But unlike Korea, which is still in its infancy, Ockto is already growing rapidly. “All indicators are more than doubling every year, and the amount of data shared reaches 30,000 cases every month,” said Janssen. We are preparing to expand into other European countries as well as companies,” he emphasized.
Meanwhile, General Janssen also expressed his envy about the domestic market, which is still not using standard Application Program Interfaces (APIs). Now, the information displayed on the website of each company or institution is scraped one by one. Therefore, even when only the location of items such as address or name changes, the accuracy could be greatly reduced. However, this problem can been resolved with the mandatory standard API. “We also collect information by connecting APIs with some institutions such as banks, but unfortunately most European governments do not support APIs,” says Janssen. "We strongly support the transition to APIs."